
来源:热门资讯 发布时间:2016-04-19 点击:


Sales Contract范本

Sales Contract

合同编号:__________________ Contract NO:_________________ 签订地点:__________________ Signed at: ___________________ 签订日期:__________________ Date:_______________________ 买方:______________________ The Buyers:________________ 卖方:______________________ The Sellers:_________________ 双方同意按下列条款由买方售出下列商品:

The Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the following goods on terms and

conditions as set forth below:


(1)Name of

Commodity ,Specifications and Packing




(3)Unit Price


(4)Total Value

(装运数量允许有 %的增减) (Shipment Quantity %more or less allowed)



(5)Time of




(6)Port of loading:




(7)Port of Destination:_______________



(8)Insurance:To be covered by the___for 110% of the invoice value against_______.


(9)Terms of Payment:By confirmed, irrevocable,

transferable and divisible letter of credit in favour of

_____payable at sight with TT reimbursement

clause/___days’/sight/date allowing partial shipment and

transshipment. The covering Letter of Credit must reach the Sellers before _____and is to remain valid in _____.China until the 15th day after the aforesaid time of shipment, failing which the Sellers reserve the right to

cancel this Sales Contract without further notice and to claim from the Buyers for losses resulting therefrom.(10)商品检验:以中国________所签发的品质/数量/重量/包装/卫生检验合格证书作为卖方的交货依据。



Inspection Certificate of Quality / Quantity / Weight / Packing / Sanitation issued by_______of China shall be regarded as

evidence of the Sellers’ delivery.



(11)Shipping Marks:




1. 异议:品质异议须于货到目的口岸之日起30天内提出,数量异议须于货到目的口岸之日起15天内提出,但均须提供经卖方同意的公证行的检验证明。如责任属于卖方者,卖方于收到异议20天内答复买方并提出处理意见。

1. Discrepancy:In case of quality discrepancy, claim should be lodged by the Buyers within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of

destination,while for quantity discrepancy, claim should be lodged by the Buyers within 15



常用英文商业书信大全(做外贸必看) 作 者: Dearjacky


1. 请求建立商业关系

2. 回复对方建立商业关系的请求

3. 请求担任独家代理

4. 拒绝对方担任独家代理

5. 同意对方担任独家代理

6. 借引荐建立业务关系

7. 邀请参观贸易展览会

8. 与过去有贸易往来的公司联系

9. 确认约会

10. 感谢客户订货

11. 向长期客户推销新产品

12. 为商贸指南兜揽广告

13. 请求客户作推荐人

14. 通知客户价格调整

15. 说明价格调整原因

16. 回复感谢信

17. 请客户征询其它公司

18. 改善服务

19. 拒绝客户的要求

20. 应付难办的客户

21. 祝贺新公司成立

22. 非正式的预约要求

23. 物色代理商

24. 欢迎新代理商

25. 要求约见

26. 拒绝约见

27. 同意约见

28. 欢迎新客户

29. 终止商业关系


A2. 答复第一次询价


A4. . 答复钢螺钉询价



A7 索取临时发票

A8 寄送临时发票
















B1 报实价






















































Rogers Chemical Supply Co. 10E.22Street Omaha8,Neb Gentlemen: We have obtained your name and address from Aristo Shoes, Milan , and we are writing to enquire whether you would be willing to establish business relations with us. We have been importers of shoes for many years. At present, We are interested in extending our, range and would appreciate your catalogues and quotations.If your prices are competitive we would expect to transact a significant volume of business. We look forward to your early reply.

Very truly yours 自米兰职权里斯托鞋类公司取得贵公司和地址,特此修函,祈能发展关系。多年来,本公司经营鞋类进口生意,现欲扩展业务范围。盼能惠赐商品目录和报价表。 如价格公道,本公司必大额订购。 烦请早日赐复。 此致 `


Thank your for your letter of the 16th of this month. We shall be glad to enter into business relations with your company. In compliance with your request, we are sending you, under separate cover, our latest catalogue and price list covering our export range. Payment should be made by irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit. Should you wish to place an order, please telex or fax us. 本月16日收到有关商务关系的来函,不胜欣喜。谨遵要求另函奉上最新之出口商品目录和报价单。款项烦请以不可撤销保兑之信用状支付。如欲订货,请电传或传真为盼。 此致 敬礼


We would like to inform you that we act on a sole agency basis fora number of manufacturers. We specialize in finished

cotton goods for the Middle eastern market: Our activities cover all types of household linen. Until now , we have been working with your textiles department and our collaboration has proved to be mutually beneficial. Please refer to them for any information regarding our company. We are very interested in an exclusive arrangement with your factoryfor the promotion of your products in Bahrain. We look forward to your early reply. `本公司担任多家厂家的独家代理,专营精制棉织品,包括各灯家用亚麻制品,行销中东。 与贵公司向有业务联系,互利互作。贵公司纺织部亦十分了解有关业务合作之情况。 盼望能成为贵公司独家代理,促销在巴林市场的货品。 上述建议,烦请早日赐复,以便进一步联系合作。 此致 敬礼


Thank you for your letter of 1 September suggesting that we grant you a sole agency for our household linens. I regret to say that, at this stage ,such an arrangement would berather premature. We would, however, be willing to engage in a trial collaboration with you company to see how the arrangement works. It would be necessary for you to test the market for our productsat you end. You would also have to build up a much larger turnover tojustify a sole agency. We enclose price lists covering all the products you are interested in and look forward to hearing from you soon. 9月1日有关建议担任家用亚麻制品独家代理的来信收悉。谨致衷心谢意。目前时机尚未成熟,不能应允该安排深感抱歉。 然而,本公司乐意与贵公司先试行合作,为今后合作打下基础。为证明担任独家代理的能力,贵公司宜上述货品作市场调查,研究是否可扩大现有之营业额。奉上该货品之报价单,敬希查照。专此候复。 此致 敬礼


Thank you for your letter of 12 April proposing a sole agency for our office machines. We have examined our long and ,I must say ,mutually beneficial collaboration. We would be very pleased to entrust you with the sole agency for Bahrain. From our records, we are pleased to note that you have two service engineers who took training courses at our Milan factory .the sole agency will naturally be contingent on you maintaining qualified aftersales staff. We have drawn up a draft agreement that is enclosed. Please examine the detailed terms and conditions and let us know whether they meet with your approval. On a personal note, I must say that I am delighted that we are probably going to strengthen our relationship. I have very pleasant memories of my last visit to Bahrain when you entertained me so delightfully .I look forward to reciprocating on your next visit to Milan . My very best wishes to you and your wife. 4月12日建议担任为公室器具之独家代理来信已经收悉。 过去双方合作皆互利互助,能获您的眷顾作我公司于巴林的独家代理,殊感荣幸。 据知您公司两服务技师曾到我公司米兰工厂受训。相信您公司在取得代理权后,仍会继续注重合格售后服务人员的训练。现随信附上协议草稿, 请查实各项条款 ,惠复是盼。 能加强业务,我亦感到欣喜,前次到访巴林,蒙盛情款待,不胜感激。祈盼您莅临米兰时,容我一尽地主之谊。 此致 敬礼


At the beginning of this month , I attended the Harrogate toy fair. While there , I had an interesting conversation with Mr. Douglas Gage of Edutoys plc about selecting an agency for our teaching aids. Douglas described your dynamic sales force and innovative approach to marketing. He attributed his own company's success to your excellent distribution network which has served him for several years. We need an organization like yours to launch our products in the UK. Our teaching aids cover the whole field of primary education in all subjects .Our patented „Matrix‟ math apparatus is particularly successful. You may have reservations about American teaching aids suiting your market. This is not a problem since we have a complete range of British English versions. I enclose an illustrated catalogue of our British English editions for your information. Please let me have your reactions to the material. I shall be in London during the first two weeks of October .Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss our proposal. 本用初参观哈洛加特玩具交易会时有幸与教育玩具股份有限公司的道格拉斯·盖齐先生一谈,提及本公司正物色代理人推广教学器材一事。 盖齐先生赞扬贵公司积极推广产品,不断推出新的推销方法,并把其公司的成就归于贵公司完善的经销网络。贵

公司的经验,正能替本公司在英国经销产品。 本公司生产初级教育各学科的教育器村、专利产品梅特里克教学器材更傲视同侪。 除美国教学器材外,亦备有全套英式英语版教材,适合当地市场,贵公司无需忧虑切合市场需求。 现附上配有插图的英式英语版教材目录,盼抽空细阅,并赐知宝贵意见。本人拟于10月头两星期前往伦敦,未知能否安排会面,就以上建议作一详谈? 此致 敬礼


Many thanks for your letter and enclosures of 12 September. We were very interested to hear that you are looking for an UK distributor for your teaching aids. We would like to invite you to visit our booth,no.6,at next month's London Toy Fair, at Earl's court , which starts on 2 October. If you would like to set up an appointment during non exhibit hall hours please call me. I can then arrange for our sensor staff to be present at the meeting. We look forward to hearing from you. 多谢9月12日的来信和附件。获悉贵公司有意物色英国销售商推广教学辅助设备, 甚感兴趣。 本公司将于10月2日于厄尔大楼举行的耸敦玩具商品交易会上展示产品,诚邀贵公司派员参观设于46号之摊位。如能安排于非展出时间面谈,烦请电复。定必委派高层人员赴会。 本公司深知贵公司产品精美质优,希望能发展互惠之业务。 特此奉告,并候复音。

8. 与过去有贸易往来的公司联系

We understand from our trade contacts that your company has reestablished itself in Beirut and is once again trading successfully in your region. We would like to extend our congratulations and offer our very best wishes for your continued success. Before the war in Lebanon , our companies were involved in a large volume of trade in our textiles. We see from our records that you were among our best tem customers. We very much hope that we can resume our mutually beneficial relationship now that peace has returned to Lebanon. Since we last traded, our lines have changed beyond recognition. While they reflect current European taste in fabrics, some of our designs are specifically targeted at the Middle Eastern market. As an initial step , I enclose our illustrated catalogue for your perusal. Should you wish to receive samples for closer inspection, we will be very happy to forward them. We look forward to hearing from you. 从同行中获悉贵公司贝鲁特复业,生意发展迅速。得闻喜讯,不胜欢欣。谨祝业务蒸蒸日上。 黎巴嫩战事发生前双方曾有多宗纺织品交易;贵公司更是本公司十大客户之一。现今战事平息,亟盼能重展双方互惠的业务联系。 自上次合作至令,产品款式变化极大。除了有迎合欧洲人口味的款式这外,亦有专门为中东市场而设计的产品。现奉上配有插图的商品目录供 初步参考。职需查看样本,还望赐知。


I would like to confirm our appointment to discuss the possibility of merging our distribution networks. I am excited of the prospect ofexpanding our trade. As agreed, We will meet of our office in bond street at 9.30a.m.on Monday 20 March. I have scheduled the whole day for the meeting. If for any reason you are unable to attend , please phone me so that we can make alternative arrangements. Please let me know if you would like our office to arrange hotel accommodation. I look forward with great pleasure to our meeting. 承蒙拔冗讲讨论合并双方销售网,以扩大贸易发展范围,深感兴奋。现特修函确定会议日程。 谨于3月20日星期一在邦德街办公室候教,请贵公司代表于当日早上9时莅临指导。若因故未能抽空出席,烦请致电告知,以便另行安排会晤。 未知是否需代为安排旅馆膳宿?请尽早赐知,以便早作准备,款待贵客。 谨此预祝会谈成功。

Gillette-burns Co. 322 Gleenwood street Gleveland 5,Ohio Glentlemen: Thank you for your order no,464 of 20 september. The models you selected from our showroom went out today under my personal supervision.The package is being


商务信件写作格式及方法Business Letter Writing

Business Letter Writing

Business Letter—layout

I. Basic Layout: Note the position of

1. Letterhead

2. The dateline

3. The opening (inside address)

4. The salutation

5. The body

6. The Closing

7. The signature and name

8. P.S. (Postscript)

There are two styles of composing letters. One is indented style, and the other is block style. Nowadays, block style is more popular especially in business world. For indented style, you should indented 4 letters at the beginning of each paragraph, and you need not leave space between paragraphs. While for the block style, you need to leave space between paragraphs, but you need not indented 4 letters at the beginning. Just write along side.

1.. Letterhead

The letterhead is also called return address, which is the full address of the writer. It is typed in the upper right- hand corner of the first page. In business world, letterhead is normally printed on the top of the letter paper in the middle. Thus you need not to write it again. Just write the date. For personal letter, you also need not to write the letterhead.

Notes for letterhead:

1) You should be aware of the order you write letterhead is just reversed from that in

Chinese ,i.e., from the smallest unit to the biggest unit. For example, the number of the room, number of the building, number of the street, city, province and then the country.

2. Dates

Be careful!

In China the 14th April 2003 is written 2003/04/14

In England the 14th April 2003 is written 14/4/2003 or 14/04/2003

In America the 14th April 2003 is written 4/14/2003 or 04/14/2003{salesletter范文}.

It is probably safest to write 14th April, 2003 or April 14, 2003 !!!

3. The opening{salesletter范文}.

The opening is also called the inside address, which is the address exactly the same as that on envelope. The opening goes above the salutation on the left, which is

always omitted in personal letters. The order of the inside address is the same as the order of letterhead. While in business world, if you know the receivers’ name and position, you should write them before the company name and address.

4. The salutation

The salutation is the greeting, which goes one or two spaces below the opening at the left-hand margin. Usually it is best to say “Dear…” if you know the name of the receiver, or just “Dear Sir/Madam” if you do not know the receiver’s name. Then you should use a comma (,) or nothing. We Chinese normally use a colon (:)

After the salutation, while, in English letter, colon should not be used. It is not correct.

In salutation, you still should pay much attention to the title, Mr. for male, Mrs., Miss, Ms. For female. They should be followed by surname, family name. For example, Mr. Brown, Mrs. Brown (husband’s surname), Ms. Smith, Miss White etc. Note: In China, people always address the title of one’s position, such as manager, director, and teacher etc. In English, however, these are not the addressing. It is not correctly used that you write “Dear Teacher Zhang”, “ Dear Manager Yang”, and so on and so forth.

5. The body

It is the most important part of the letter—the content of the letter. It is one or two spaces bellow the salutation. The length of the line should be adjusted to the length of the paper. Leave margins on either side. The paragraph should be blocked or indented, according to the style chosen. Usually it is single—spaced for a business letter. It usually consists of at least two paragraphs—even if the second paragraph is nothing more than “ Thanks and best wishes to you,” or something. It contains introduction, purpose and conclusion in the body of the letters.

6. The closing

It is the way of saying goodbye. In business writing, it is always the complimentary closing. There are various of words to choose in English closing. It should match the tone established by the salutation and carried through the body of the letter. It is usually two spaces bellow the body of the letter, together with the signature group.

How a letter is closed depends on how it is opened. The closing should match the opening. If you use a comma (,) after the salutation, you should use a comma after the closing. If you use nothing after the salutation, you also should use nothing after the closing.

7. The signature is the last part of a letter. Skip a line after the closing and sign your name in line with the first word of the closing. In business letters, you should sign your full name. Your name should be typed also in another line. In order to make the people know how to address you when reply, lady writers should list Mrs. Ms., Or Miss in parenthesis after your name. However, in personal letters, you can sign your full name, first name or nick name according to the relationship with the receivers.

8. P. S. (postscript)

This should be located at the bottom of the paper. If you are not on purse forget to mention something in your letter, you can write P. S. and then just add what you forget.

There are some phrases for polite expression:

I would like to…

would you like…,

Would you please…

I will be grateful if…,

I am afraid that…,

Thank you for…

It was kind of you to have…

I wonder if it is possible that…

You were most thoughtful to…

Please accept my apology for the delay in sending…

Certainly, you have every right to expect better service, and I…

1. Invitation

I would very much like to invite you for….

Would you please attend the annual conference held….

We will hold a party this weekend. We would like to invite you to be out guest. On behalf of …, I am extending to you our formal invitation to visit…

I have great pleasure, on behalf of…to invite you to attend the…on…sponsored by…held in(place) on (date)/from…to…

Accept the invitation:{salesletter范文}.

I accept with my pleasure your kind invitation….

I would love to attend your party.

I would like to visit you….

I would be very pleased to….

Refuse the invitation

I would very much love to take part in your party, but ….{salesletter范文}.

I am sorry that I will have another meeting on that day, ….

It is so pleased to get your invitation, while I will be on business trip during that period.

Sample letters

Read the samples in the following parts and write your own letter of the same type.

1. Letter of invitation

students club. Write an invitation letter to your English Teacher.

Then exchange with your partner to check. After that write a reply to

accept or refuse.

2. Complaint

I must complain about (that)…

I am not satisfied with…

I feel something should be done about…

the machine does not work when you got back home. Write a letter

to complain.

3. Apology


I am terribly sorry, but…

I am afraid I…

I must apologize for…

Dear Customer,

I am writing to you to explain the reasons for the poor service we have given over the past few months. I apologize for the incomplete delivery and no replies to the inquiries. I am extremely sorry for all the inconvenience caused by our poor services.

The main reasons lie in our working procedures have not kept pace with the expansion of our company. First of all, we do not have enough staffs to deal with the deliveries and inquiries; secondly, our warehouse is not large enough to store our goods; thirdly, our computer systems are also not so modern as to satisfy the need of


询价函件 Letter of Enquiry 范文

Goco Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.

No. 2 Jalan 1/127

Off JalanKuchai Lama

54100 Kuala Lumpur

Your ref.: -

Our ref.: GCM/ja/098(2)

4 October 2012

Secretary of Alliance Francaise

15 Lorong Gurney

Off JalanSemarak

54100 Kuala Lumpur

Dear Sir/Madam


I refer to the above matter which was advertised in The Star, dated 1 October 2012 and would very much like to request more information of the class.

We are a dynamic and innovative IT Healthcare systems company that provides a wide range of quality healthcare systems to clients in the Healthcare and in daily business operations. We are an Exclusive Partner with French Medical Association.

For your information our company is encouraging staff to master the French language for regular contacts with many top French distributors of products our company deals with. Potential staff who possess good command of this language will be sent for business trips to France besides earning pay benefits. Our company plans to send two sales executives to attend the course.

We are interested for the class and would like to know more details about:

1. Course Fees

2. Class Hours

3. Course Registration Dateline

4. Method of Payment

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you.

Yours faithfuly



Tan Jin Nee

Sales Executive



Co., Ltd.是limited liability company有限责任公司 corporation在郎文商业词典中的解释就是‚股份有限公司‛缩写:Corp.

Inc=Incorporated 股份有限公


We have obtained your name and address from Aristo Shoes, Milan 自米兰职权里斯托鞋类公司取得贵公司和地

we are writing to enquire whether you would be willing to establish business relations with us.


We have been importers of shoes for many years. 多年来,本公司经营鞋类进口生意 At present, We are interested in extending our range and would appreciate your catalogues and quotations.现欲扩展业务范围,盼能惠赐商品目录和报价表。

If your prices are competitive we would expect to transact a significant volume of business.


We look forward to your early reply. 烦请早日赐复。

Very truly yours 此致


Thank your for your letter of the 16th of this month. We shall be glad to enter into business relations with your company. 本月16日收到有关商务关系的来函,不胜欣喜。

In compliance with your request, we are sending you, under separate cover, our latest catalogue and price list covering our export range. 谨遵要求另函奉上最新之出口商品目录和报价单。

Payment should be made by irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit. 款项烦请以不可撤销保兑之信用状支付。 Should you wish to place an order, please telex or fax us.如欲订货,请电传或传真为盼。 此致 敬礼


We would like to inform you that we act on a sole agency basis fora number of manufacturers. 本公司担任多家厂家的独家代理

We specialize in finished cotton goods for the Middle eastern market: Our activities cover all types of household linen. 专营精制棉织品,包括各灯家用亚麻制品,行销中东。

Until now , we have been working with your textiles department and our collaboration has proved to be mutually beneficial.与贵公司向有业务联系,互利互作。贵公司纺织部亦十分了解有关业务合作之情况。

Please refer to them for any information regarding our company.

We are very interested in an exclusive arrangement with your factoryfor the promotion of your products in Bahrain. We look forward to your early reply. 盼望能成为贵公司独家代理,促销在巴林市场的货品。 上述建议,烦请早日赐复,以便进一步联系合作。


Thank you for your letter of 1 September suggesting that we grant you a sole agency for our household linens. 9月1日有关建议担任家用亚麻制品独家代理的来信收悉。谨致衷心谢意。

I regret to say that, at this stage ,such an arrangement would berather premature. We would, however, be willing to engage in a trial collaboration with you company to see how the arrangement works.

目前时机尚未成熟,不能应允该安排深感抱歉。 然而,本公司乐意与贵公司先试行合作,为今后合作打下基础。

It would be necessary for you to test the market for our productsat you end. You would also have to build up a much larger turnover tojustify a sole agency.



We enclose price lists covering all the products you are interested in and look forward to hearing from you soon. 奉上该货品之报价单,敬希查照。专此候复。


Thank you for your letter of 12 April proposing a sole agency for our office machines.


We have examined our long and ,I must say ,mutually beneficial collaboration. We would be very pleased to entrust you with the sole agency for Bahrain.


From our records, we are pleased to note that you have two service engineers who took training courses at our Milan factory . 据知您公司两服务技师曾到我公司米兰工厂受训。

the sole agency will naturally be contingent on you maintaining qualified aftersales staff.


We have drawn up a draft agreement that is enclosed. Please examine the detailed terms and conditions and let us know whether they meet with your approval. 现随信附上协议草稿, 请查实各项条款 ,惠复是盼。

On a personal note, I must say that I am delighted that we are probably going to strengthen our relationship. 能加强业务,我亦感到欣喜

I have very pleasant memories of my last visit to Bahrain when you entertained me so delightfully .I look forward to reciprocating on your next visit to Milan . My very best wishes to you and your wife.



At the beginning of this month , I attended the Harrogate toy fair. While there , I had an interesting conversation with Mr. Douglas Gage of Edutoys plc about selecting an agency for our teaching aids. 本月初参观哈洛加特玩具交易会时有幸与教育玩具股份有限公司的道格拉斯·盖齐先生一谈,提及本公司正物色代理人推广教学器材一事。

Douglas described your dynamic sales force and innovative approach to marketing. He attributed his own company's success to your excellent distribution network which has served him for several years. We need an organization like yours to launch our products in the UK. Our teaching aids cover the whole field of primary education in all subjects .Our patented ‘Matrix’ math apparatus is particularly successful. You may have reservations about American teaching aids suiting your market. This is not a problem since we have a complete range of British English versions. I enclose an illustrated catalogue of our British English editions for your information. Please let me have your reactions to the material. I shall be in London during the first two weeks of October .Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss our proposal.

盖齐先生赞扬贵公司积极推广产品,不断推出新的推销方法,并把其公司的成就归于贵公司完善的经销网络。贵公司的经验,正能替本公司在英国经销产品。 本公司生产初级教育各学科的教育器村、专利产品梅特里克教学器材更傲视同侪。 除美国教学器材外,亦备有全套英式英语版教材,适合当地市场,贵公司无需忧虑切合市场需求。 现附上配有插图的英式英语版教材目录,盼抽空细阅,并赐知宝贵意见。本人拟于10月头两星期前往伦敦,未知能否安排会面,就以上建议作一详谈? 此致 敬礼


Many thanks for your letter and enclosures of 12 September. We were very interested to hear that you are looking for an UK distributor for your teaching aids.

多谢9月12日的来信和附件。获悉贵公司有意物色英国销售商推广教学辅助设备, 甚感兴趣。

We would like to invite you to visit our booth,no.46,at next month's London Toy Fair, at Earl's court , which starts on 2 October. 本公司将于10月2日于厄尔大楼举行的耸敦玩具商品交易会上展示产品,诚邀贵公司派员参观设于46号之摊位。 If you would like to set up an appointment during non exhibit hall hours please call me.


I can then arrange for our sensor staff to be present at the meeting. We look forward to hearing from you.

定必委派高层人员赴会。 等候复音。


We understand from our trade contacts that your company has reestablished itself in Beirut and is once again trading successfully in your region. 从同行中获悉贵公司贝鲁特复业,生意发展迅速。得闻喜讯,不胜欢欣。

We would like to extend our congratulations and offer our very best wishes for your continued success.

谨祝业务蒸蒸日上。 Before the war in Lebanon , our companies were involved in a large volume of trade in our textiles. We see from our records that you were among our best tem customers.


We very much hope that we can resume our mutually beneficial relationship now that peace has returned to Lebanon. 现今战事平息,亟盼能重展双方互惠的业务联系。

Since we last traded, our lines have changed beyond recognition. While they reflect current European taste in fabrics, some of our designs are specifically targeted at the Middle Eastern market.


As an initial step , I enclose our illustrated catalogue for your perusal. Should you wish to receive samples for closer inspection, we will be very happy to forward them. We look forward to hearing from you..

现奉上配有插图的商品目录供 初步参考。职需查看样本,还望赐知。


I would like to confirm our appointment to discuss the possibility of merging our distribution networks. I am excited of the prospect of expanding our trade. As agreed, We will meet of our office in bond street at 9.30a.m.on Monday 20 March. I have scheduled the whole day for the meeting. If for any reason you are unable to attend , please phone me so that we can make alternative arrangements. Please let me know if you would like our office to arrange hotel accommodation. I look forward with great pleasure to our meeting.

承蒙拔冗讲讨论合并双方销售网,以扩大贸易发展范围,深感兴奋。现特修函确定会议日程。 谨于3月20日星期一在邦德街办公室候教,请贵公司代表于当日早上9时莅临指导。若因故未能抽空出席,烦请致电告知,以便另行安排会晤。 未知是否需代为安排旅馆膳宿?请尽早赐知,以便早作准备,款待贵客。 谨此预祝会谈成功。


Thank you for your order no,464 of 20 september. The models you selected from our showroom went out today under my personal supervision.The package is being airfreghted to you on swissair.The relevant documentation is enclose.I enjoyed meeting you and hope that this order represents the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship between our companies. The next time you visit us ,please let me know in advance so that I can arrange a luch for you with our directors. Sincerely yours 谢谢9月20日第464号定单。今天我已新自监督发送您自展览室挑选的产品。该产品随附有关文件经瑞士航空公司运送。 很荣幸与你会面,衷心希望是次定单能加强双方的关系。下次到访前,烦请赐知,俾能安排与本公司董事共进午餐。


I enclose an illustrated supplement to our catalogue. It covers the latest designs which are now available from stock. We are most gratified that you have, for several yeas. Include a selection of our products in your mail-order catalogues. The resulting sales have been very steady. We believe that you will find our new designs most attractive. They should get a very good reception in your market. Once you have had time to study the upplement , please let us know if you would like to take the matter further. We would be very happy to send samples to you for closer inspection. For your information, we are planning a range of classical English dinner services which ,should do well in the North American market. We will keep you informed on our progress and look forward to hearing from you.



Thank you for your business. You are currently represented in our directory. This is the only directory of its kind which reaches all companies in the building and construction industry in the UK. Advertising in our directory was a wise move on your part. We are currently compiling a new edition of the directory which will be published in April 1998.The new edition will be expanded to include major manufacturers of plumbing equipment in the European Community. For proper coverage in the directory, you ought to appear in more than one category. If you do opt for a multiple listing, you will be ableto buy space in additional categories at half price. You can be assured that the new edition will be on the desks of allthe major decision makers in the building and hardware trades. Please complete the enclosed form and return it with the appropriate fee. Thanks again for your business.





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