
来源:经典语录大全 发布时间:2012-02-25 点击:







Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. .cn In your essay, you should.

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) interpret its intended meaning, and

3) give your comments.

You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points).


2014年的大作文从总体上来看不难,因为它考查到了现在的一个社会热点。而且从十年的考研真题来讲,2005年的大作文考查到的是赡养老人的问题,当 年的图画是可怜的老父亲缩成了一只皮球,四个儿女守着四个球门,老人被儿女们踢来踢去。当年全国考生平均分10.88分,难度系数0.544,区分度为0.64764。当年的描述图画部分比较难表达,而今年图画描述部分相比起来就容易得多。下面我们就从写作的标准三段式来讲讲这三段我们应该怎么写。

第一段图画描述段的写作内容主要是表述图画,需包括两点:三十年前是个什么样子,现在是什么样子。三十年前“我”还是个孩子,母亲大手拉小手陪伴着我成 长;现在,母亲上年纪了,我快乐地陪伴在母亲的身旁。其实第一段还有两个需要注意的地方,一是题目要求是一幅图,大家在写作时尽量按照一幅图画去处理;二 是图画下面的汉字“相携”比较难翻译,不过大家可以意译为陪伴。这两个地方不是大问题,因为它相对于作文要考查考生书面表达的要求来说是微不足道的。





As is vividly described in the left part of the drawing, thirty years ago, there stood a delicate mother, holding the tiny hand of a lovely girl, who wore a red scarf. On the contrary, the right part of the picture illustrates that with time flying quickly, the little girl, who has already grown up as a gorgeous lady, is supporting her old mother. We are informed: accompanying.

It is without saying that the old and the young are two indispensable parts in society. On the one hand, what we have and enjoy now was created by our parents in the early days, as the old Chinese saying goes, "One generation plants tress under whose shade another generation rests". On the other hand, all of us are supposed to take good care of the youngsters, too. It is children who make us see the future of our state, for they are the future builders of our country. The young should consider it a moral obligation respecting and taking care of old parents. Meanwhile, it is also the duty of the parents to protect, educate and look after the youths. Let's bear this in mind and cultivate that virtue together, because only by doing so, can we feel as if we were living in a happy and harmonious family.


大多数人认为乐观是无尽的欢乐,如同总是有半杯水的杯子。但那是一种绝不会为积极心理学家所称道的虚假的快乐。哈佛大学的Tal Ben-Shahar教授说,“健康的乐观主义意味着要活在现实之中。”在Ben-Shahar看来,现实的乐观主义者会因势利导,而非求全责备。

Ben-Shahar 会使用三种乐观的方法。比如说,当他因搞砸了一场演讲而倍感郁闷的时候,他会告诉自己这是很正常的事,提醒自己:并不是每一次演讲都可以获得诺贝尔奖,总会有一些人的演讲效果不及其他人。接着为改进。他分析了一些效果不好的演讲并且从那些起效和无效的演讲中吸取教训为将来做准备。最后是看待问题的角度,即在生活的宏伟计划中,一次演讲真的无足轻重。

Section IV Writing

Part A

47. Directions:

Suppose you are going to study abroad and share an apartment with John, a local student, write him an email to

1) tell him about your living habits, and

2) ask for advice about living there

Dear John,

I am Li Ming, your future roommate and a new arrival from China who is coming over here for further education. I am writing this letter to let you know about me and ask for some suggestions for my future life in America.

First, I am a quiet person so that your keeping silent would be highly appreciated. Second, I like cooking and I wonder whether it is okay to you that I cook Chinese dish at home, because the preparation for Chinese cuisine may produce much smoke. Third, I want to buy a car but I know nothing about traffic rules in America. Would you please give me a lesson about traffic laws in US.

Wish you reply soon.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

Part B

48. Directions:


Write an essay based on the following chart. In your essay, you should

1) interpret the chart, and

2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

As the bar graph indicates, both city and rural area witnessed a distinguished phenomenon in population fluctuation. Indeed, population in city increased at a breakneck speed and surpassed that of rural area during the period from 1990 to 2010 while population in rural region slightly decreased down to a scale which was close to that of city.

What accounts for this disparity? The answer involves two factors. The first contributing factor is the substantially fast developing steps of cities in China. No one can deny that since Chinese economic reform from 1980s which mostly benefits people in city. The second reason is that Chinese farmers enjoy the harvest from new policies that are established to benefit farmers. People in rural areas are allowed to migrate for work and residence by the law and an increasing number of farmers choose to work in city and become migrant workers just because they would make much more money than ever before in city. All these are the result of urbanization.

Based on the analyses above, we can safely draw the conclusion that the process of urbanization will continue in the years ahead, and every single Chinese benefits from the fast development of China.



Part A


Write a letter of about 100 words to the president of your university, suggesting how to improve students’ physical condition.

You should include the details you think necessary.

You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.

Do not write the address. (10 points)








需要注意的是,本题为写给大学校长的公务书信,属于正式文体,文中不应出现过多缩写、省略句、口语表达等非正式语言。考研书信无需写标题、日期、地址,只写称呼、正文、落款即可。称呼可写Dear Mr./Ms. President,或Dear President Smith,(虚构姓名)。正文最好写成三段,首段可进行自我介绍,表明写作目的:关于改进学生身体状况提出建议。切勿完全照抄题目中的句子,可以使用其中的个别关键词或词组,否则可能扣分。第二段应具体提出两到三点建议:体育锻炼、均衡饮食、保持乐观等等。尾段应对校长采纳建议表示感谢,并期待尽快得到答复。落款应使用公务书信落款:Yours sincerely, Sincerely yours, Yours truly,或Truly yours,等,签名应写Li Ming, 切勿出现自己真实姓名。







范文1 "Good Health"

1.身体健康的重要性。 2.保持健康的途径。 3.我自己的实践。 Good Health

The desire for good health is universal. In our competitive society it is important to maintain good health. On the one hand, people with good health can do work with full confidence and their progress in work in turn contributes to their health and happiness. On the other hand, a sick person is usually not interested in everything around him and therefore he loses many opportunities to become successful.

There are many ways to keep it. First, those who are always on the go from morning till night should find time to relax because too much stress will affect their health. Second, enough time should be left for sleep because that will help one become rested and refreshed. Finally, regular physical exercises benefit one's health a lot. So one should always keep in mind that a certain amount of exercise is not a waste of time.

As for me, I like playing tennis in the morning. I also attach much importance to enough sleep and relaxation. I believe this will ensure my good health for the rest of my life.

<评析> 这篇文章语句通顺,语言流畅,句式变化多样,用词面比较宽。就内容来说,则很切题,包括了提纲中的所有要点。第一段的第二句即主题句是从提纲发展而来的,第二段的首句,即主题句也是由提纲中的第二点发展而来。

范文2 Hope Project

Education plays a very important role in the modernization of our country. However, because of historical factors, there are still a lot of people in China who are undereducated, especially among youngsters in rural areas. They cannot afford the expenses of schooling and need help. At the same time, China is not able to invest too much money in the matter at present time. It is in this particular situation that the authorities carry out the "Hope Project ".

This project is necessary to our country. It is an urgent measure that the government has taken. In the first place, this project will

provide conditions for the youngsters to go back to school, which will contribute to their future success. Thus it will lead to the enhancement of the intelligence level in our country. Secondly, education makes it possible for people to acquire knowledge, which is useful to their future work. Hence, this Project benefits the modernization of our country a lot. Finally, it can make more people educated. Therefore, it may indirectly result in the increase of the living standards of our people. In my opinion, this project is of great importance to our country at the present time. And it also will have a profound effect on the future achievements of our country. I suggest that more work be done so that every child in the countryside can receive elementary education.

<评析> 次序词的使用不仅限于first, second, third,本文第二段使用了in the first place, secondly, finally列举原因,说明希望工程为什么对我国很必需,条理清晰,层次分明

范文3 Modernizing China

Modernization will bring a number of benefits to the people of China. Advancements in science and technology will result in better industrial and consumer products. New roads, trucks and trains will improve transportation for both people and goods. With new health care methods people will live happier and longer.

However, modernization also gives rise to a number of new problems. Pollution of the air, ground, and water has become a serious problem in many parts of China. An increase in vehicles on the roads has also resulted in more traffic accidents, injuries and deaths.

We can, however, deal with these problems if we are careful. We can train many environmental scientists who can help factories operate cleanly. We can pass new laws to regulate our traffic more safely. Finally, we must expand our education system to prepare better educated people for tomorrow.

<评析> 本文是段与段之间使用过渡句较好的例子。文章第一段说现代化给中国人民带来许多益处,第二段一开始就由however引出过渡句,指出现代化也同样带来新的问题。第三段段首的过渡句则用一个however巧妙地过渡到如何解决这些问题。过渡句的使用既表达了各段之间语义上的转折,又使文章各段衔接自然。

范文4 Population Control

Progress in science and the improvement of living conditions have led to the rapid growth of the world population. Modern medicine, for example, has made it possible for babies to grow up healthily and for people to live longer. With improved living conditions, particularly in

the countryside, people tend to have larger families. As a result, the world population has increased so rapidly that it has now exceeded 6 billion.

But the overgrowth of population presents a threat to the existence of human society. A large population demands a great deal of food supply and shelter space. However, limited productivity and scarce world resources can hardly meet the needs of the ever-increasing population. Thus, in the long run, the overgrowth of the world population will only harm mankind.

To guarantee the steady development of human society, mankind must realize the consequences resulting from fast population growth and carry out a family planning programme. Only by adopting effective measures, can human society develop steadily and have a bright future.

<评析> 本文把各个段落巧妙连接的方法是利用转折关系:文章第一段说:科学的发展和生活条件的改善使世界人口出现了迅速增长。第二段却一转,说道:人口的过分增长威胁了人类社会生存,第二段段首句引出的问题,是第一段讨论内容的又一方面。最后一段提出解决办法,即人们必须采取行之有效的人口政策限制人口的增长。


范文5 Controlling Cancer

There are two main causes of cancer: heredity and environment. We can do nothing to change our heredity, that is, the basic physical characteristics that were passed on to us by our parents. However, we can do a great deal to control our environment, which may account for 80-90 %of all cancers.

Environmental pollution can be divided into two kinds: personal and impersonal. Personal pollution may be defined roughly as unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking, and eating the wrong foods. Clearly, with enough will power we can control this personal environment.

Impersonal pollution, on the other hand, refers to those things which are beyond our individual control. One example would be industrial pollution, which is very hard to control because of the expense involved. It would be expensive in terms of profits and perhaps jobs. The American automobile industry, for example, resisted the law requiring

smog-control devices because it feared the added expense would reduce profits. Nevertheless, some laws protecting the environment have been quite successful in reducing pollution.

<评析> 文章第一段说:癌症的起因有二,遗传和环境。第二段说环境原因又有两种,人为的和非人为的。第三段讨论非人为原因造成的环境污染,这是全篇的重点,所以笔墨最多。文章的讨论由粗到细,由大到小,最后归结到了问题最严重,也最为关键的那一点。{2005考研英语作文范文}.{2005考研英语作文范文}.

范文6 Equality Between Men and Women

At present, more and more people think that men and women should enjoy equal rights. Many countries even have passed laws to guarantee such an equality between different sexes. Accordingly, there are now no longer certain jobs or certain places that are closed to women. The number of business women, female doctors, scientists and leaders is considerably increasing.

There are three main reasons for the improvement of women's social position. First, women themselves have been persistently struggling for equality. Second, men also realize that women are not born inferior to them. Women can do a great many things as well as or even better than men. Third, social development has produced a great demand for women's participation in every field.

In spite of these changes the liberation of women has not been completely realized. Prejudice against women is deeply rooted still in some people's mind, especially in distant rural areas. So, mankind should take further painstaking efforts to really realize equality.

<评析> 本文过渡词使用较好。文章的第二段,就是非常典型的用first, second, third为次序词从三方面进行论证的例子。

范文7 Getting to Know the World outside the Campus




Getting to Know the World outside the Campus With the rapid development of our society, the campus is no longer an "Ivory Tower". Students must get in touch with the world outside the campus so that they can adapt themselves to society more quickly when they graduate.

Almost all students keep themselves informed by TV, radio

broadcasts and newspapers. Some of them even take up a part-time job in their spare time. Working as tutors, serving in some fast-food restaurants„ All these have kept students in touch with society. Now the summer vacation will come and I've already found myself a job-working as a typist in an office. I've learned typing for many years and I think I can do it well. It's a good chance for me to get to know society, to learn how to get along with my colleagues and to see how my knowledge is put into practise. When the next semester begins, I'll still try to get this kind of little job. Regardless of the pay, I think the most important thing is that I can really know a lot about


<评析> 本文采用重复使用中心词(组)的方法来达到过渡。文章虽没有使用任何过渡词,但通篇文章读起来通顺流畅,并无逻辑问题,原因在于文章运用关键词重复的手法。文章标题为“了解校园以外的社会”,所以文章的中心词定位于“了解社会”。第一段中有"get in touch with the world outside the campus",第二段末尾有"get in touch with the society",第三段中有"get to know the society",段尾又有"know a lot about the society",四次重复出现关键词点出文章的主旨所在。

范文8 Human Beings and Animals

Human beings are different from animals in many ways. One of the differences is the ability of human beings to build. It is true that many animals are builders. Birds make nests, and bees make hives. But no animal could build the pyramids or the Great Wall or the Eiffel Tower. The variety, size, and beauty of the structures built by human beings is simply unsurpassed.

Another difference is the ability of human beings to use

intelligence. Many animals are probably more clever than we realize, but no animal has the ability to write, to reason, or to speak. Only human beings can invent computers, make use of solar energy. Only human beings paint, draw, compose music, and write poetry.

These are but a few of the differences between human beings and animals. It is our special abilities that give us power to affect the world for the benefit of all mankind. We should be thankful for those abilities and learn to use them in a more wise way.

<评析> 本文是利用过渡句过渡的一篇范例。这篇文章第一段第一句是全文的论点,指出人与动物在很多方面不同。第一段讨论了第一种不同,即人的建筑能力非动物所能及。第二段讲的是第二种不同,即人有智慧。第三段说人与动物的不同还有其它很多种。第一、二、三段的段首句是每段的统领,而它们之间又存在着递进的关系。


Title: Different Social Customs Between Americans and Chinese Key words and expressions:

1) differ, if „not, misunderstanding, informal, social, impolite

2) difference, in a conversation, coat, cost, impolite, age, politics, religion, avoid

3) many other, keep„in mind, better, understand

Different Social Customs Between Americans and Chinese




Part A


You are supposed to write for the postgraduate association a notice to recruit volunteers for an international conference on globalization, you should conclude the basic qualification of applicant and the other information you think relative。

You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use " postgraduate association " instead。

Part B


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and then

3) give your comments。

You should write neatly on ANSHWER SHEET 2. (20 points)


An Announcement

Jan. 9, 2010

International Conference on Globalization, from March 3th to 10th,

will be held at Tsinghua University. We, the Postgraduates’

Association, are entitled to organize this conference. Thus, we are badly in need of volunteers to assist us in organizing the relevant affairs, including reception, distribution of documents, technical support, etc。

Students who have previous experience as volunteers are preferred. Basic knowledge in computer, fluent oral English and an amicable personality are some of the qualities we desire. Volunteers shall be available for at least 3 days without absence during the conference。 If you are interested and willing to have a whole new experience in this semester, please do not hesitate to send your resume to

liming@hotmail.com before Jan. 20th. Your applications are welcome。 Postgraduates’ Association




Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1)describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and,

3) give your comments。


研历史上第11次考图画作文了。字数要求在160--200词。图画作文往往是一张抽象而意味深长的图片或漫画,有时让人很难理解。今年的图画只有一张图,但主题明显直接。图画中间是一个火锅,火锅里面写满了很多汉字,比如佛,功夫,解构,礼,后现代,老舍,莎士比亚,爱因斯坦,道,仁,京剧等许多代表中国和外国文化的东西。把这些东西放在一起,就意味着中西文化融合在一起,特别是下面的文字提示:文化“火锅”,既美味又营养。能更好地帮助我们理解图画的主题:即文化融合Cultural integration的问题。可以说这也是一个考研永恒的话题,这个话题在2002考研作文里面出现过,可以说是同一个主题。 大作文参考范文

As is vividly depicted in the drawing, in the middle of the cartoon stands a hot pot, containing many Chinese cultural symbols, such as Beijing operas, Daoism, and some foreigh cultural symbols, etc. How impressive the drawing is in describing the common phenomenon that Chinese culture is becoming increasingly integrated into the world. The drawer’s intention seems to be highly self-evident and the meaning causes us to be thought-provoking。

It holds to be apparent that the cartoon is indicative of a pervasive phenomenon with regard to culture. When it comes to(一谈到) culture,its great impacts and benefits can’t be too estimated. As China opens to the outside world, our traditional culture is embracing the foreign culture, thus making our Chinese culture more diversified, colorful and

internationalized just like a melting pot. What the picture conveys goes far beyond this. The fact that people from different countries are

attracted to each other, indicating that to some extent different cultures can be accepted,respected,appreciated and shared internationally. In other words,Chinese unique culture can become international through worldwide economic and cultural exchanges. Since the trend of

globalization become irresistible, cultural integration can effectively

improve mutual understanding and friendship among different countries. In my personal sense, Chinese national culture as priceless spiritual

treasure should be preserved and cherished. Meanwhile,there are good reasons to embrace foreign cultures on the ground that those ideas from the other cultures can provide a different perspective for us to observe the world in the long run. However,confronted with a different culture,we should be sensible enough to absorb its essence and to resist its dark side. Only in this way can we promote cultural integration and

development positively, thus making our motherland dimensional,colorful and vigorous. (303 words)




Part A


You are supposed to write for the postgraduate association a notice to recruit volunteers for an international conference on globalization, you should conclude the basic qualification of applicant and the other information you think relative。

You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use " postgraduate association " instead。

Part B


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and then

3) give your comments。

You should write neatly on ANSHWER SHEET 2. (20 points)


An Announcement

Jan. 9, 2010

International Conference on Globalization, from March 3th to 10th, will be held at Tsinghua University. We, the Postgraduates’ Association, are entitled to organize this conference. Thus, we are badly in need of volunteers to assist us in organizing the relevant affairs, including reception, distribution of documents, technical support, etc。

Students who have previous experience as volunteers are preferred. Basic knowledge in computer, fluent oral English and an amicable personality are some of the qualities we desire. Volunteers shall be available for at least 3 days without absence during the conference。

If you are interested and willing to have a whole new experience in this semester, please do not hesitate to send your resume to liming@hotmail.com before Jan. 20th. Your applications are welcome。

Postgraduates’ Association



Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1)describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and,

3) give your comments。



西文化融合在一起,特别是下面的文字提示:文化“火锅”,既美味又营养。能更好地帮助我们理解图画的主题:即文化融合Cultural integration的问题。可以说这也是一个考研永恒的话题,这个话题在2002考研作文里面出现过,可以说是同一个主题。


As is vividly depicted in the drawing, in the middle of the cartoon stands a hot pot, containing many Chinese cultural symbols, such as Beijing operas, Daoism, and some foreigh cultural symbols, etc. How impressive the drawing is in describing the common phenomenon that Chinese culture is becoming increasingly integrated into the world. The drawer’s intention seems to be highly self-evident and the meaning causes us to be thought-provoking。

It holds to be apparent that the cartoon is indicative of a pervasive phenomenon with regard to culture. When it comes to(一谈到) culture,its great impacts and benefits can’t be too estimated. As China opens to the outside world, our traditional culture is embracing the foreign culture, thus making our Chinese culture more diversified, colorful and internationalized just like a melting pot. What the picture conveys goes far beyond this. The fact that people from different countries are attracted to each other, indicating that to some extent different cultures can be accepted,respected,appreciated and shared internationally. In other words,Chinese unique culture can become international through worldwide economic and cultural exchanges. Since the trend of globalization become irresistible, cultural integration can effectively improve mutual understanding and friendship among different countries. In my personal sense, Chinese national culture as priceless spiritual treasure should be preserved and cherished. Meanwhile,there are good reasons to embrace foreign cultures on the ground that those ideas from the other cultures can provide a different perspective for us to observe the world in the long run. However,confronted with a different culture,we should be sensible enough to absorb its essence and to resist its dark side. Only in this way can we promote cultural integration and development positively, thus making our motherland dimensional,colorful and vigorous. (303 words)





As is vividly depicted by the drawing above, a boy is sleeping soundly① and comfortably in the sofa, with the television on, when his mother comes and turns off the television for him, blaming the boy for not having turned off the television again②。{2005考研英语作文范文}.

This phenomenon can easily be found anywhere in our daily life. Many people are used to doing③ everything with the television on, not actually watching it at all. Such a habit can cause waste of much electricity and energy, and result in the emission of carbon. This deviates from the popular concept of “low carbon life” — to reduce the emission of carbon, especially carbon dioxide, to protect our environment and realize sustainable development. According to statistics, if we can decrease the time for having the television on by one hour each day, we can deduce the amount of carbon emission by 4. 71 kilogram each month。

To serve as responsible stewards of the planet④, we must promote and popularize a low carbon life among the public from every detail in our daily life. We must change the past practice of sacrificing long-term environmental health for short-term rapid economic development, and shift to developing green economy, circular economy and low carbon economy. All these effective measures can help us to reach harmony between development of the society and health of the nature。



这种现象在我们的生活中随处可见。很多人习惯于做什么事情都开着电视,实际上并不看。这种习惯会导致电力和能源的浪费,这会导致碳排放。这偏离了流行的“低碳生活”的理念。低碳生活是指,减少碳,尤其是二氧化碳的排放,以保护环境,实现可持续发展。根据统计数据,如果我们每天把开电视的时间减少一小时,则每个月可以减少4. 17千克的碳排放量。



① is sleeping soundly: 熟睡,也可以表达为 A boy is fast asleep。“soundly and comfortably”这类副词的加入,使得描述更生动活泼,而不是单调的主谓宾。

② A boy is sleeping soundly and comfortably in the sofa, with the television on, when his mother comes and turns off the television for him, blaming the boy for not having turned off the television again。

该句主干结构是:A boy is sleeping, when his mother comes and turns off the television。


“with the television on”: with 引导的伴随结构,即A boy is sleeping, while the television is on. 也可以写成伴随状语A boy is sleeping, forgetting to turn off the television。

“blaming the boy for not having turned off the television again”,这句是妈妈关电视的伴随动作,一边关电视,一边责怪孩子忘记关电视。

图画描述这句,写得越精彩越好,这句是先入为主的句子,也是阅卷老师重点看的句子。 ③ are used to doing: 习惯于做某事,使用短语表达,地道准确。

④ to serve as responsible stewards of the planet:这是2005年真题阅读中的原句,的文章里面的句型,引用的标准到位。







Just as what is shown in the picture, a girl is asking a question online. Answers from different netizens differ so greatly that the girl is very confused about whom she should follow①. It is obvious that it is becoming a fashion for people to ask questions online when confronting a dilemma。

The implication implicit in the drawing can be elaborated as follows. On the one hand, the Internet has provided us with great convenience. For example, we can get knowledge about nearly all aspects on the Internet with only several keyboard commands and a few clicks of the mouse through search engines such as Baidu and so on. On the other hand, with an explosive amount of information on the Internet②, it can be difficult to tell good information from bad③. For example, teenagers and adolescents may mistake the bad information online as good, the result of which can be rather devastating. Some dirty information on the net may exert negative impacts on people。

In conclusion, on the one hand, it is important for us to take full advantage of Internet to enhance our efficiency and save our time. On the other hand, effective steps should be taken to educate people to avoid and elude inappropriate and even wrong data online so as not to be misguided. Only in this way can the net better serve for our life, study and work④。







② with an explosive amount of information on the Internet: 这是2004年真题阅读第一篇中的句型。

③ it can be difficult to tell good information from bad: 这是2003年真题阅读第一篇中的句型。可见,充分了解真题阅读,对于提高写作的帮助作用也很大。 ④ Only in this way can the net better serve for our life, study and work:倒装句。


原句:The net can better serve for our life, study and work only in this way。 only放在句首,把情态动词can和主语交换一下位置就写成了倒装句。





What a scary and sensational scene it is! In the drawing, the driver, as drunken as a fiddler①, is driving fast on the road, with a large bottle of beer on the top of his car. What is conveyed by the picture has both realistic and alarming implications for each member of the country。

The profound meaning of the vivid drawing can be elaborated in terms of both awareness of security and social responsibility. For one thing, consciousness of safety should be one of our top priorities. Life is one-way journey: you cannot experience it twice. So life is to be respected and awed②. It is cruel to and inhumane to spell the end of any life, with a careless driving under the influence (DUI)③. For another, to act as a responsible member of the society, each of us should bear social responsibility. We do not live only for ourselves but also for those whom we love and who love us. It is irresponsible to claim either lives of drivers or lives of other victims are not important, leaving the families and relatives into deep grief and, may be, great living burden④。

In short, it is imperative that legislative measures should be taken by the authority to punish drunk drivers severely such as suspending their driving licenses or even putting them into jail. Besides, the mass media, such as TV, radio and website, should work together to enhance awareness of security and sense of responsibility to reduce the rate of car accident。






① as drunken as a fiddler: 醉得像一个游荡者。实际上是一个比喻,相当于汉语中的烂醉如泥。用语非常形象生动,一个酩酊大醉的司机形象跃然纸上!

② Life is one-way journey: you cannot experience it twice:非常富有哲理性,语言优美、地道。respected and awed: 敬重和敬畏,语言简洁、有力、到位。 ③ DUI: 醉酒驾车,也可以写成:drunk driving。

④ leaving„:动词的ing形式作伴随状语。句型经典。




Water used to be mistaken to be an unlimited and renewable resource. Actually, water resource is very limited and precious. It is fortunate that now the public is starting to pay attention①. Just as is depicted in the picture, just like saving money, the lovely and smiling piggy bank is collecting every drop of water falling from the water tap。

However, water shortage is still a serious problem threatening the existence and survival of the whole human being, and yet the phenomenon of wasting water can still easily be found anywhere in our daily life②. For example, water taps are frequently left on by careless users. Someone even assumes that they have the right to waste water because they pay for it so that it has nothing to do with others. In fact, so precious is water that we cannot afford to waste it③. Water resource is indispensable④ not only in our daily life but also in the industry and




主编:何钢 编著:印建坤、宋平明、林梦茜


第一部分:应用文写作 2

1、应用文写作总论 2

2、经典信件背诵 8

(1)辞职信 8

(2)请求信 10

(3)建议信 12

(4)求职信 15

(5)道歉信 18

(6)感谢信 20

(7)申请信 21

(8)投诉信 23

(9)询问信 24

(10)邀请信 25

(11)祝贺信 27

3、经典备忘录背诵 28



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